The Foundation for Advanced Medical Education (FAME)
The Foundation for Advanced Medical Education (FAME) provides education by nationally prominent consultants giving practical instruction to surgical and other interventional staff members that enhances basic technical skills, assists with the utilization of new techniques, and aids in the performance of new procedures. This includes on-site training and teaching by experts which helps assure that the clinician’s practice meets current standards. The time commitment may vary. FAME is currently funded by the physician alone or the physician in conjunction with the hospital. Surgical telementoring is available in most specialties. The Foundation welcomes grants to assist in its educational efforts.
Proctoring in Established Techniques
When desired, on-site observation and proctoring by impartial medical or surgical experts can be arranged. This expert observes a physician’s practice over a sufficient period of time to judge his or her competence to perform the procedure(s) in question, and then, if required, assists in developing an educational program to bring the practice up to acceptable standards. This program may include a specialist with recognized expertise to work with a physician on-site. The expert may work interactively on designated procedures to assist, critique, and educate in identified areas of deficiency.
Preceptoring in New Technologies – Telementoring
FAME has a three step program designed to provide training for practicing physicians in the safe and effective use of new devices and new technologies. This program was developed by a FAME Grant in collaboration with five prominent specialty societies. Procedures such as endoscopic or endovascular interventions begin with education by lecture, CD or online interaction. Next, the trainees are taught hands-on use of the device through a laboratory experience with simulators. In the third step, expert preceptors provide practical guidance. The experts will demonstrate the usage of the new instrument(s) and/or methodologies at their own institutions, and then go to the preceptee’s hospital to observe and, if desirable, assist the preceptee performing the procedure for the first time, and following that, monitor by telementoring.